Partner Spotlight: Diamond Coach and A-Z Bus Sales

Our partners play a monumental role in the success of producing industry leading commercial electric vehicles. Today, we’d like to introduce two key partners, Diamond Coach who provides the foundation of our vehicles and A-Z Bus Sales who sells the finished product.

Diamond Coach

One of the most important components of our vehicle and main differentiating factor of Endera’s vehicles, is the lightweight coach, manufactured by Diamond Coach. The lightweight coach allows for more capacity than most and a greater range, than compared to aluminum or steel coaches. This integral component plays a major role in allowing Endera to achieve the lowest cost of ownership in the industry. As an industry expert in building coaches, they’ve allowed Endera to go to market with one the most reliable and efficient coaches in the Electric Vehicle industry. 

A-Z Bus Sales

Our choice in a partner to sell our vehicles was easy. We chose A-Z Bus Sales as the exclusive dealer to sell our vehicles, because they are a leader in selling alternative fuel buses. They understand the technology, the importance of zero emission and can match the right buyer to our shuttle. Working with A-Z Bus Sales also helps Endera continue to build a vehicle that is inspired by the end users’ perspective to ensure we are continually serving a market need. Given their expertise and reputation in the industry, that will not only contribute to our success but to the success of their customers, ensuring they make an informed buying decision.

As we look to partner with manufacturers of components, we always look at their experience, expertise, commitment to excellence and innovation, and long term goal of accomplishing zero emission.

Want to learn more about our partners and why we’ve selected these two industry leaders? 

Watch our video below.